A travel guidebook of Europe published in the 1960s was acquired. The guidebook contained maps of various cities in Europe. Each map had tourist sites and side tours located on it by using numbers as a key. This key was printed along the map’s border. Some maps spanned two pages.
The city map pages were cut from the guidebook, trimmed, and arranged numerically by page number. Beginning with the map of the first city, the site on the map designated with the key number "1" was cut out in a small circle from the map. For the next city map, the second map in the sequence, the site on this map designated by the key number "2" was also cut out in the same-sized circle. This procedure was followed numerically until key number "13." A record of the city and the key-numbered specific site was recorded.
The city map pages were then composed by layering, with the circle cut-outs acting as the axis of the composition. This central point was centered on the substrate paper, and the layers built up around this axis. The layering was determined by the map’s site "key number," with the smaller value numbers on top of the larger numbers, "1" atop "2," "2" atop "3," and so on. Using this scheme, a number of compositions were made, with the number of layers of each composition determined by its overall look. After each composition was finalized, the layers were adhered to the substrate paper, beginning with the bottom map layer and building up.